Where are the diamonds or gems for in Trivia Crack?
The Diamonds or gems in Trivia Crack are used to activate the card machines and collect cards. The diamond or gem-meter increases with each correct answer. Once it's filled, a gem is earned! Use your gems to purchase cards that you can use for extra lives, coins , free spins or more diamonds based on the card value and your needs.
When you receive a question in Trivia Crack most of the time you can cross off one or two answers. Using common sense you'll know these questions are not right. Although you may not know the answer you'll be able to take a guess on the two answers which are left.
The Trivia Crack Spinning Wheel
At the beginning of a game you'll have to spin the spinning wheel. Choose if you want to play the category or not (it will cost some coins when you don't want to play the category). After that answer the question. When you answer the question correctly you'll be able to spin the spinning wheel again.
When you're in the answering screen you'll see a bar with a crown icon in the bottom of the screen. This bar represents the amount of questions you need before you'll be able to get a crown question of start a challenge. When you've already answered two answers correct and the third answer is false, don't worry. When it's your turn again the crown bar will still be at two stripes, you'll only need to answer one more question correctly.
Take the time reading the answers
You'll have 30 seconds to answer the question in Trivia Crack, so don't worry about your time. You'll have a enough to read the answers and get rid of the wrong answers.
Focus on the Trivia Crack characters you're good at
Categories in Trivia Crack: Geography, Science, History, Sports, Art and Entertainment.
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